Uttama Bhakti

Uttama Bhakti

Dedicated to Sri Haridas Sastri Maharajji

Dedicated to Sri Haridas Sastri Maharajji

Maharajji with Cows
White Cow
Maharajji Books
Green Pasture
Sacred Texts
Many Cows

eText · Laharī 2

Author: New Śrī Haridās Nivās  ·  Category: Laharī 2012  ·  Added: 29-07-2012
Pages: 6  ·  Published: 29-07-2012  ·  Download: PDF (465 KB)  ·  1147 downloads

Laharī 2


- What Makes Go Worshipable? by Murāri dās
- Śrī Caitanya’s Position on Womankind, by New Śrī Haridās Nivās
- Manaḥ-Śikṣā,
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- The Sādhanā of Seeing Oneness between the World
   and one’s Iṣṭa-Devatā,
by New Śrī Haridās Nivās
- Gāndhījī on Cow Protection,
by Āditya dās

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