Uttama Bhakti

Uttama Bhakti

Dedicated to Sri Haridas Sastri Maharajji

Dedicated to Sri Haridas Sastri Maharajji

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eText · Laharī 45

Author: New Śrī Haridās Nivās  ·  Category: Laharī 2016  ·  Added: 19-03-2016
Pages: 10  ·  Published: 19-03-2016  ·  Download: PDF (7.17 MB)  ·  1325 downloads

Laharī 45

This issue contains:

- Śrī Caitanya and reasons for His appearance, by NSHN, Spain
- Śrī Caitanya depends on His devotees, by NSHN, Spain
- Bhakti makes the difference, by NSHN, Spain
- Śrī Caitanya is pleased by sincerity, by NSHN, Spain
- Do not leave your service because of the Lord, by NSHN, Spain
- Avoid false renunciation, by NSHN, Spain




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