The avatāras of God normally appear on Earth in order to protect saintly persons, punish the wicked and establish dharma, but Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu came because He wanted to relish the love of His most exalted devotee. Since His appearance was marked by love, He also
- brought and distributed love of God
- established love of God as the supreme objective of human life
- established Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam as the most important scripture, as it shows who is the God of all gods and most exalted object of love, as well as who are those that have the maximum love for Him
- revealed how love of God can be achieved, giving a scientific process
- gave the equal right to everybody to practice this process
- established a unique philosophical system which does not have any flaw
- connected practical life, arts etc with the devotion to God