The Lord loves śāstra and Go because just as Him they too serve humanity. Consequently, Go-sevā, śāstra-sevā and vigraha-sevā are essential for the welfare of mankind, and if we want to preserve them for future generations we need to act in a concerted and determined way.
Considering also the fact that those who protect śāstra and Go are very much loved by the Lord, you may wish to participate in these projects and activities. Monetary assistance is usually the fastest and most practical way of collaboration: if you have a PayPal account, please simply click on Donate
In case you prefer bank or Western Union transfer, please contact us to speak about the details.
However, you can help in other ways as well: you can donate software, hardware or any other IT-related items, you can help us find a cheap printing press, you can speak with your friends and acquaintances about uttamā bhakti, Go, śāstra and Deities, you can create a link to our sites (see in Links) on your website, facebook or blog, you can participate in our magazine etc.
Current projects:
To print “Dina-Candrikā” (English/Spanish) and “Las escrituras y la carne”.................3500€ needed
As a token of gratitude we will publish your name in the list of our sponsors, or just leave Anonymous.
“Those who serve Go will obtain whatever they desire. The women who are dedicated to Go will all their wishes get fulfilled. Those who want a son will obtain him, and those desirous of a daughter will obtain her. Those who desire wealth will obtain it, those who want dharma will obtain it, those who wish for knowledge will obtain it and those who desire happiness will obtain it. O Bharata! There is no such thing that cannot be obtained by a devotee of Go.”
Mahābhārata, Anuśāsana 83.50-52
But if regardless of the verse above you simply want to support us out of love:
You are welcome //